
Explore the world of ceramic colour and drawing without using glazes! With a painterly approach, learn to work in an intuitive, expressive way to get layered, sophisticated surfaces, using a mix of underglazes, oxides and glaze stains taking your work to the next
level. Designed as a creative boost for experienced artists, germinate your ideas and experience intense bursts of inspiration. 

Please note: this workshop is limited to 15 participants max, and open to NW TCA members in the first instance (and Statewide if numbers allow). BYO lunch or pub lunch next door at the Forth Hotel (please advise when registering). You can bring 6-10 pieces of greenware (unfired work) to decorate and 4-6 tiles or shards of clay (approx 15x15cm) to experiment on. Bisqueware is not suitable – must be greenware. A full materials list will be supplied once registration is confirmed. 

Teacher bio:

Shannon Garson is an Australian ceramic artist, writer and curator, with a studio practice spanning 20 years that includes commissions for festivals, exhibitions at public and private galleries, and arts advocacy. Shannon’s practice ecompasses thrown porcelain vessels, drawing, painting, public art and performance, she works primarily with Australian porcelain and drawings.

Enduring themes within Shannon’s practice investigate the relationship between human activity, and the infinite variety of striations, spots and marks found in nature. Shannon’s interest in endangered ecosystems has led her to make work about wallum swamps, the sclerophyll forest of South East QLD, endangered (and beautifully common!) birds and the fungi of the sub-tropical forest.

The TCA facilitates Workshops for our members throughout the year. Information regarding our Workshops will be emailed directly to our members.

For further information regarding our Workshops please email